SeimedEnterprise Europe Network és la major xarxa de suport a la PIME que existix a Europa i la seua missió és impulsar la competitivitat de les pimes europees mijançant la internacionalització, la transferència de tecnologia i l'accés al finançament. La Xarxa oferix informació i assessorament a les PIME a fi que aprofiten al màxim aquelles oportunitats de negoci que els brinda la Unió Europea.

errin130.gifERRIN, the European Regions Research and Innovation Network, is a dynamic network of more than 90 EU regions and their Brussels-based offices.

ERRIN facilitates knowledge exchange, joint action and project partnerships with the aim to strengthen its member region's research and innovation capacities and enhance their success in EU programmes.

ERRIN also aspires to influence EU policies in order to make them respond better to the needs of European regions and, to this end, engages in debate with EU institutions and participates in EU policy consultations.

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